In consumer electronics, the “DIN connector” usually represents a member of the family of circular connectors made by DIN. The DIN connector was originally used for analog audio signal transmission, and some of these 连接器 were later used for analog video and digital interfaces and micro motor power drive, such as MIDI or IBM PS / 2 interface keyboards and mouse cables. QL-Custom design a lot of over molding on mini dins ,current Din with soldering wires for varies of cable design.

>> 我们的 OEM 服务

  • 在 12 个工作小时内给出报价。
  • 帮助您设计电缆。
  • 定制模具服务。
  • 绘制电缆和连接图纸。
  • 制作文章样本。
  • 批量生产。

>> Serve you on Molding tools

>> 服务的行业

  • 电子连接

  • Electro-motor,micro motor power drive cable

  • Electric Adapter

  • 医疗设备

  • 电信

  • Industrial Small Power Drive

  • Data Signal transfer

  • Analog Audio

  • PCB 组装




QL-Custom Technology Ltd.

QL-Custom Technology Limited 是一家通过 ISO9001:2015 认证的专业公司,专门从事定制过塑电缆组件和线束。如果您正在寻找塑料成型、低压成型(PCB 过成型)和布线方面的最佳合作伙伴,那么您终于来对地方了,这里有一支经验丰富、能力出众的团队为您服务,他们是行业中的佼佼者。我们生产的高质量零件广泛应用于各种领域。
