How to Strip the cable metal braids ?

By Tina / 2018年3月13日

How to Strip the cable metal braids ?


Why need to use flash stripping machine ?


A lot of cable factory have a big question that how to cut the cable braiding and Foil tapes, today we are talking about how to strip the cable metal braids quickly and look beautiful.

Some of the braiding under the shealth or out of the cable jacket , first position only application for shielding for transmission  signal ,keep the cable transfer the signal normally. But the out of braid not only for signal shielding ,the most important function for abrasion proof.


While the factory handle the cutting during mass production course it is current a head-hurt problem and can’t keep up the pace of delivery time. As the development of this industry , some people create a machine named Flash Stripping ,using the short-time high voltage and high electrical current to melt the braids. It would break a little of the jackets ,but didn’t breakdown the cable jackets at all. And the fronts are easy to pull off. This way proved our efficiency very quickly. Just one second speed to peeling off.

cable braidings strip

You can take off the braids easy now


How to set the parameter on the machine ?


1\ Set the time use about 1 second , or 2~3 seconds if the thickness is too much,

2\ Set the Voltage and current on fuse blade. Instant high current will fuse break the metal mesh

3\ Test again the fuse temperature verifying the cable jacket has some break, if so, turn down the temperature set.

See our video to learn strip cable braid off 1 second only

What it looks like after stripping & What service we can serve?

After instant stripping the cable braids and shieldings, you need to use finger to take the lugs off. Bending from the boarder line are easy to put it away.


Our service including :

  • Thermocouple wires assembling
  • Multiple core cables secondary process
  • Testing the quality after stripping
  • Shipping to worldwide customers


Take off the cable shields easily