QL-Custom are capable of molding high temperature teflon plastics , this is not a current factory could supply you high technique molding plastic parts, an over molding on parts or on components or some of covers on electronic joints . This technology is a test of a company’s control of injection molding pressure, the control of each section of the machine temperature, the design of the mold and the temperature control of the work, and the improvement of the equipment. Not only that, the choice of high temperature material is also very strict.

>> What is High Temperature Molding
>> High Temperature Plastics
>> Temperature Control
- Barrel temperature
Injection molding process need to control the temperature of the barrel ,nozzle, and mold temperature. The first two kinds of temperature mainly affect the plasticization and flow of plastic, and then a temperature is mainly affecting the flow of plastic and cooling. Each plastic has a different flow temperature, the same kind of plastic, due to different sources or grades, the flow temperature and decomposition temperature is different, it is due to the average molecular weight and molecular weight distribution caused by different plastic in different types of injection Machine , so choose the cylinder temperature is not the same.
- Mold temperature
Mold temperature on the product’s inherent performance and apparent quality of a great impact. The temperature of the mold depends on the presence or absence of the crystallinity of the plastic, the size and structure of the product, the performance requirements, and other process conditions (melt temperature, injection speed and injection pressure, molding cycle, etc.).