Low pressure Molding, What Is It, How It’s Used and Where, the Process

Low pressure Molding, What Is It, How It's Used and Where, the Process Low pressure molding is a technique we all see and encounter in our everyday lives, even though you may not realize it, low pressure molding is integral in many of the appliances and equipment you may use daily. It silently goes about its business and you probably don’t give it a second thought. Here at QL-Custom we have many years of experience with low pressure molding, so we thought we’d share some of the main points about this process with you in this article. Here’s a quick take away answer for you, then we’ll dive deeper into the process and benefits of low pressure molding, not only for applications but for the environment too. So What is Low Pressure Molding? Low Pressure Molding is a technique for protecting and encapsulating components prone to damage, moisture, or other external influences. Typical in applications such as wiring and printed circuit boards. Using materials known as hot-melts, polymers are used to seal around components using specialist machinery. Dimer acid based Polyamide materials often referred to as ‘hot-melts’, are thermoplastics that, when heated to specific temperatures become pliable and malleable for use around precious connectors and connections. Why it’s called Low Pressure Molding Low pressure molding, (or LPM) in particular, is as the name suggests, the use of lower pressure processes and techniques used where components may suffer from the normal pressure or extreme heat otherwise used in more industry standard pressure molding applications. To reiterate, there are two main reasons an application may require the use of Low Pressure Molding. Malleability One major factor is the need for the applied thermoplastics to be more viscose. Viscosity allows the injected material to be applied...
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